Botanical Kitchen Blog

Eating Greens & Weeds

Written by Karina Hines | Apr 29, 2022 7:46:59 PM

Spring has sprung, and I am delighted to see blossoms, buds and green plant babies popping up and stretching towards the sun's warmth. I am grateful to witness spring unfolding here in Maine; see the flush of blossoms and greenness after a long, white grey winter.

This week's menu focuses on nourishment with gentle recipes, lots of greens and some weeds!

Nettles – Urtica Dioica – stinging nettles are weeds, and they are a profoundly nourishing tonic food rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, an excellent tonic food and medicinal herb.  When you dry, cook or plunge in hot water, the "sting" dissolves, leaving you with a nourishing and versatile herb with a mild flavour.

Nettles have been used as food and medicine for generations treating everything from seasonal allergies to joint and bone ailments, blood pressure, urinary system dis-ease and skin conditions.  Nettles strengthen and tone the body, especially the kidneys, and are a great reproductive tonic, helpful for cooling the symptoms of menopause.


Happy spring foraging. Wishing you vibrant health 🥬 Chef Karina Hines.